Glacier makes managing personal finances as easy as pie! You can easily record your financial transactions, see spending reports and review your daily, weekly and monthly financial data!
Bills view
- take a quick glance at your expenses and incomes
- open it to see more details (such as photos, localizations, etc.)
- filter to see weekly / monthly report
Calendar view
- quick summary of daily incomes/expenses
Accounts view
- payment accounts / credit cards / liabilities / savings management functions
- you can use various currencies in your accounts
- monitor your assets / liabilities with readable charts
Transaction view
- income/expense/transfer functions
- built-in currency converter
Statistics view
- pie chart showing your expenses depending on the category
- password / touch ID protection
- calculator
- automatic update of exchange rates
PREMIUM FEATURES (one-time 3.99$ payment)
Extended transaction functions
- you can add photos / localisations / recurrency / people to each transaction
- remove the day transaction limit (two per day)
- see notifications of upcoming transactions
- Glacier Premium uses iCloud to backup your data
Remove the account limit (2)